Editorial Projects
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Ethics in Professions and Organizations
Today, it is unimaginable to talk about medical care and clinical trials without a reference to Medical Ethics. Many other professions are in a similar situation: business consultants, financial experts, psychologists and sociologists, journalists, engineers. This shows a dominant preoccupation of the 20th century and especially of the 21st century for Ethics. The main aim of this book series is to try to provide tools to understand the ethical aspects involved in professions and organizations. (Lear more about ProOrgEthics TXT)
Fundamental Texts of Moral Thinking
The way we talk about moral issues today is strongly shaped by our cultural heritage. Aristotle, Kant or John Stuart Mill, Dewey or Hare, Utilitarianism or Deontologism, Consequentalism or Moral Relativism are all names for various perspectives of our moral heritage. For example, when we think about duties to protect children taking part to a clinical study or the moral duties of a businessman to his subjects, we adopt a language that has its roots not only in Immanuel Kant’s moral writings (v. moral duties), but in all those that have been influenced by them, not always from the same field (v. legal duties, professional duties). When we read in the U.S. Constitution about “the pursuit of Happiness”, then we should know that the term ‘Happiness’ is one that dates back to Plato, Aristotle and John Locke, and it is in perfect consonance with John Stuart Mill’s concept of happiness. (Learn more about MoralHeritageTXT)