Advisory Board

The leadership and strategic approach for the Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics (CARMAE) is provided by its Advisory Board. This body includes leading experts in Strategic Management and Applied Ethics, business people with strong ethical reputation, and leading. Their commitment to the progress of knowledge and know-how transfer determined them to join us in our efforts and support in every way they can our projects and causes. We are honored by their contribution.

At the same time, this Advisory Board should not be confused with the Scientific Advisory Boards of our projects, like the one for MECOPP Ro, Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics, European Media Ethics Congress, etc. Its major role is to provide guidance to the CARMAE management. Some of the Advisory Board members share this quality in other Scientific Advisory Boards, but this is not the general rule.

As people get more used with our activities, we will ask our Advisory Board members to give us some critical assessments of our strategy, activities and future plans. All these assessment letters will be published our Transparency page in order to help others develop a strong sense of critical debate and self-advancement. We think that not only our activities should be considered top-level, but also our organization as a whole. What can be more desirable than an efficient and transparent organization?


Dr. Coles is Guest Member of the School of Agriculture, Food & Rural Development of Newcastle University. He works on Research Ethics, Risk Communication, and the relationship between science, technology and policy.

Selected Publications:


Dr. Copoeru is a member of the ProEtica Transdisciplinary Seminar, Centre of Applied Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and he is interested in Applied Ethics and Phenomenology. He coordinated a consulting project that included a new Code of Ethics for Romanian judges.