Sustainability Reporting Library

The establishment of a library project aimed to host only reports on social responsibility is not a new idea, as we perhaps wanted. The idea of bringing together the companies’ reports is a need that people at Global Reporting Initiative have felt acutely when they introduced the third version of the GRI standard. However, our library is an entirely new initiative because it covers particularly organizations operating in Romania or conducting investments in Romania.

Secondly, this library is an innovative project for its founding purpose is to witness of the evolution of social reporting, of the reporting in the field of sustainability in Romania. There is no other library that we know of whose purpose will be to bring together reports from companies in a specific geographic area. Therefore, the Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics and its team of specialists in the Social Responsibility and Ethics & Compliance undertakes the task to review developments in the field of social responsibility in Romania, annually. This analysis is both quantitative and qualitative. It should reveal the trends in this area and, also, the specialty of the reports.

Thirdly, the existence of this library will, hopefully, propel quality research in the field of social responsibility. At the moment, academic and non-academic research by Romanian specialists focus on sociological approach of social responsibility. Whether they are watching consumer perceptions, companies’ decision makers or business people or the correlations between various social phenomena and the phenomenon of ‘corporate social responsibility’ , closing prospects of this kind has led to a stagnation of the development of research and to an exacerbated scientific autism. We, initiators of SR Reporting Library, strongly believe that multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches can lead to a much deeper understanding of the idea of ​​social responsibility and of how it is operationalized in the real world, in organizations.

We want to publicly thank all those who supported us in our endeavor: Ferrero (Phyllis Kong Wai Yue); IBM Romania (Irina Stoltz, Maria Luiza Jipescu); KPMG Romania (Andrei Laszlo); TNT Express Romania (Ana Glavce); MOL Romania (Erzsebet Felmeri); OMV Petrom (Mona Nicola DESPAN Ioana Magdalena Stoian); ING Romania (Roxana Colisniuc); SIVECO Romania (Crahmaliuc Anca Daniela Banuta); L’Oreal Romania (Mirela Nemtanu); BCR Erste (Alexandra corolla); Delia Grigoroiu. The list is still open.

Proiectul constituirii unei biblioteci care sa gazduiasca numai rapoarte privind responsabilitatea sociala nu este o idee noua, asa cum, poate, ne-am fi dorit. Ideea de a strange laolalta rapoartele companiilor este o necesitate pe care cei de la Global Reporting Initiative au resimtit-o in mod acut de cand au introdus versiunea a 3-a a standardului GRI. Cu toate acestea, biblioteca noastra este o initiativa cu totul noua fiindca ea acopera in mod special organizatiile care isi desfasoara activitatea in Romania sau care deruleaza investitii in Romania.

In al doilea rand, aceasta biblioteca este un proiect inovator pentru ca scopul intemeierii ei este acela de a se constitui drept martor al evolutiei raportarii sociale, raportarii in domeniul sustenabilitatii in Romania. Nu exista sau nu cunoastem noi nici o alta biblioteca al carei scop sa fie acela de a strange laolalta rapoartele companiilor dintr-o anumita zona geografica. Ca atare, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics, prin echipa sa de specialisti in Responsabilitate Sociala si Etica & Conformitate, se obliga sa analizeze anual evolutiile in domeniul responsabilitatii sociale din Romania. Iar aceasta analiza este deopotriva cantitativa si calitativa. Ea trebuie sa dea seama de tendintele care se manifesta in zona raportarii, dar si de specializarea rapoartelor.

In al treilea rand, existenta acestei biblioteci, speram noi, va impulsiona cercetarea de calitate in domeniul responsabilitatii sociale. La ora constituirii bibliotecii, majoritatea studiilor si cercetarilor academice si non-academice scrise de specialistii romani se concentreaza pe abordari sociologice ale responsabilitatii sociale. Fie ca se urmaresc perceptiile consumatorilor, decidentilor din companii sau oamenilor de afaceri, fie ca se stabilesc corelatii intre diferite fenomene sociale si fenomenul ‘responsabilitatii sociale a companiilor’, inchiderea perspectivelor de acest gen a dus la o stagnare a nivelului cercetari si la un autism stiintific exacerbat. Noi, initiatorii SR Reporting Library, avem convingerea ca abordarile pluridisciplinare si interdisciplinare pot duce la o intelegere mult mai profunda a ideii de responsabilitate sociala si a modului cum ea este operationalizata in lumea reala, in organizatii.

Dorim sa le multumim in mod public tuturor celor care ne-au sprijinit in demersul nostru: Ferrero (Phyllis Kong Wai Yue); IBM Romania (Irina Stoltz, Maria Luiza Jipescu); KPMG Romania (Andra Laszlo; Geta Diaconu); TNT Express Romania (Ana Glavce); MOL Romania (Erzsebet Felmeri); OMV Petrom (Mona Nicolici, Ioana Despan, Magdalena Stoian); ING Romania (Roxana Colisniuc); SIVECO Romania (Anca Crahmaliuc, Daniela Banuta); L’Oreal Romania (Mirela Nemtanu); BCR Erste (Alexandra Corolea); Delia Grigoroiu. Lista este in continuare deschisa.

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