Ethics & Compliance Management in Romanian Public and Private Organizations, 2012-2020
MECOPP Ro project is the first longitudinal research focused on the institutionalization of ethics in Romanian organizations. The analysis follows the introduction and development of several key elements of an Ethics & Compliance Management System in Romanian organizations: from Ethics/Ethics & Compliance department and officers to specific policies and procedures (including codes of ethics) meant to secure organizations against immoral and illegal actions, from integrity training programs, whistleblowing mechanisms to integrity helpline/hotlines, internal communication programs and moral leadership.
The project was developed by Cristian Ducu in early 2009 as part of an individual grant he received from the Dinu Patriciu Foundation and based on his 2006-2008 work on promoting the field of Ethics & Compliance in Romania. The MECOPP Ro project also benefited of financial and logistic support from Cristian’s company, SDG | Strategic Dynamics Group (former Smart Solutions & Support, Romania).
The first stage of the MECOPP Ro project took place between 2009-2012, when the CARMAE team developed complex qualitative and quantitative assessment tools and gathered large amounts of data about ethics in Romanian organizations, professions and society. In 2012, the project entered in the 2nd stage, reserved to data control and reporting.
The whole project surveys the way ethics institutionalization takes place in 7 types of organizations: (1) public institutions, (2) health care institutions, (3) universities, (4) mass-media institutions, (5) non-governmental organizations, (6) political parties and (7) companies. In the 2nd stage, seven reports are expected to be released, one for each type of organization. At the same and supplementary to these reports, other documents based on the MECOPP Ro research are scheduled to be released (e.g., “Non-Financial Reporting. Trends and Recommendations”). All these publications will become available step by step, from Spring 2017 until the end of 2020, when the MECOPP Ro project will be officially closed.
Intermediary results of the MECOPP Ro project have already been used in various academic lectures delivered by Cristian Ducu and his former collaborators. Some of the data provided by Cristian and former collaborators in other situations have been used by third-parties without mentioning the source and without acknowledging the existence of the MECOPP Ro project. Due to this, we consider necessary to reiterate the fact that all data provided herein and elsewhere under the logo of CARMAE is protected by the intellectual property laws applying in Romania and European Union.
| Project Rationale | Acknowledgments | Methodology | Project Team | Project Results |
Training sessions, 2011-02-07,08 (MECOPP Ro 2009-2012 Project Team)
• Lupu, Rodica & Tincuţa Apăteanu & Romeo Denunzio & Cristian Ducu (2013), Manager în Responsabilitate Socială. Manual curs [Social Responsibility Manager. Handbook]; “Act responsibly!” Project, Junior Chamber International Romania, Bucharest.
• Lupu, Rodica & Cristian Ducu & Tincuţa Apăteanu & Cristina Toma (2013), Integrarea responsabilităţii sociale în organizaţii. Ghid metodologic pentru patronate, sindicate, camere de comerţ, asociaţii de IMM-uri, organizaţii neguvernamentale şi comitete sectoriale [Integrating Social Responsibility within Organizations. Methodological Guide for Owners Associations, Trade Unions, Chambers of Commerce, SMEs Associations, NGOs and Industry Committees]; “Act responsibly!” Project, Junior Chamber International Romania, Bucharest.
• Cospănaru, Iulia & M. Maier & R. Mitică & V. Defta & I. Cărtărescu-Petrică & C. Ducu (2013), Campioni ai integrităţii. Linii directoare de conduită pentru o companie lider, 2013 [Champions of Integrity. Guiding Lines concerning Conduct for Leading Companies, 2013]; “Together for Integrity, Social Responsibility, and Sustainable Development” Project, Transparency International Romania, Bucharest.
• Alistar, Victor & I. Cărtărescu-Petrică & V. Defta & I. Lungu & M. Maier & C. Ducu (2013), Arii de conformitate. Direcţii de lucru [Compliance Areas. Work Directions]; “Together for Integrity, Social Responsibility, and Sustainable Development” Project, Transparency International Romania, Bucharest.
• Lupu, Rodica & Cristian Ducu & Georgiana Grigore & Cristina Horia & Alin Stancu (et al.)(2012), Bune practici în parteneriatele pentru responsabilitate socială. O analiză naţională a 550 de proiecte de responsabilitate socială implementate în parteneriat [Good Practices in Social Responsibility Partnerships. A National Analysis of 550 Projects of Social Responsibility projects Implemented through Partnership]; “Act responsibly!” Project, Junior Chamber International Romania, Bucharest.
• Alistar, Victor & Cristian Ducu & Oana Furtuna & Iulia Drajneanu (et al.)(2011), Integritatea în mediul de afaceri din România. Cercetare asupra mecanismelor de instituţionalizare a eticii în companii, 2011 [Integrity in Romanian Business Environment. Research on the Mechanisms for Ethics Institutionalization in Companies, 2011]; Transparency International Romania, Bucharest.
• Ducu, Cristian (2011), Rolul diferitelor tipuri de organizatii [The Role of Various Types of Organizations]; in Borțun, Dumitru & Camelia Crisan & Dragos Dehelean & Cristian Ducu & Georgiana Grigore & Cristina Horia & Luminita Oprea & Alin Stancu (2011), Parteneriate sustenabile și bune practici în responsabilitatea socială; JCI Romania, Bucharest, 72-85. (ISBN: 978-973-0-11520-8)
• Ducu, Cristian (2011), “Jos cu RSC-ul! Sus etica în afaceri!” Regândind locul RSC în arhitectura organizaţiilor [“Down with CSR! Up with Business Ethics!” Rethinking the Place of CSR in the Organizational Architecture]; in Borţun, Dumitru (ed.)(2011), Responsabilitatea socială corporativă: de la relaţiile publice la dezvoltarea durabilă; Tritonic, Bucureşti, 2011, pp. 68-83. (SNSPA, Bucureşti, 2010, pp. 68-82; Tritonic, Bucureşti, ISBN: 978-973-711-282-8.)
• Ducu, Cristian (2015), Instituţionalizarea eticii în administraţia publică din România [The Institutionalization of Ethics in Romanian Public Administration].
• Ducu, Cristian (2013), Profit versus Binele Comun. Cât de etice îşi permit să fie companiile? [Profit vs. the Common Good. How Ethical Companies Afford to Be?]; at “Poor Rich Country. The Responsibilities of Economy” Debate, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Romania, Howard Johnson Hotel, November 28, 2013. [read more]
• Ducu, Cristian (& Irina Stanciugelu) & Ioana Teodora Raicu (2013), The Social Responsibility of Mass-Media Institutions. Remapping the Organizational Responsibility; at International Conference “Towards the Good Society – European Perspectives”, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, October 25-26, 2013.
• Ducu, Cristian & Irina Stanciugelu (2013), Reconsidering the Social Responsibility of Mass-Media Institutions; at the 2nd “International Conference in Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business”, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, September 5-6, 2013.
• Ducu, Cristian & Francesca Mazzucato & Ana Constantinescu & Ioana Teodora Raicu (2012), Individual and Corporate Responsibility: Measuring the Effectiveness of Ethics Training in Organizations; at the 1st edition of the International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainable Business 2012, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, October 22-23, 2012.
• Ducu, Cristian (2012), Why Should a Company Develop an Ethics & Compliance Management System? Preventing Internal Fraud; at the 1st Romanian Compliance Conference, Romanian Banking Institute, Bucharest, February 7, 2012.
• Ducu, Cristian (2011), Is Business Integrity Relative to Social Capital? Seeing Things Differently; at the “Regional Conference on Integrity in Private Sector – Together for Integrity”, Transparency International Romania, Sibiu, June 1-3, 2011.
• Ducu Cristian (2011), Întărind credibilitatea programelor de CSR prin susţinerea economiei sociale [Strengthening the Credibility of CSR Programs by supporting the Social Economy]; at the “Rolul parteneriatului în dezvoltarea economiei sociale” [The Role of Partnership in Social Economy Development], Romanian Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection, Timişoara, April 13-15, 2011.
• Ducu, Cristian (2008), The Role and Responsibilities of Ethics & Compliance Officers in Organizations; at the Bucharest Conference in Applied Ethics ’08: “Ethical Management, Corporate Strategy, and Sustainable Development”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 30-31, 2008.
• Ducu, Cristian (2007), The Role of the Ethics & Compliance Audit in Developing Internal Policies and Specific Ethical Codes; at the International Conference “Ethics and the Professional Culture. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach”, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, October 5-6, 2007.