Policies & Procedures

Any organisation, no matter its size, should have clear values and sound internal policies and procedures. The values represent the aspirations for an ethical and professional behaviour, while the policies and procedures complement the leadership by providing the means that pave the way towards those aspirations. At the same time, the policies and procedures are the basis of good organisational governance and of a managerial style focused on strategical decisions and long term impact. Secondly, they introduce a higher degree of predictibility and organisational stability. Thirdly, they eliminate the opportunities for discretionary management and unethical and illegal behaviour.

Currently, our internal Policies & Procedures cover 5 main area: (i) operational management; (ii) financial management; (iii) organisational ethics, which deals with all administrative decisions and the general behaviour in our organisation; (ii) research conduct, including both the way we understand to get involved in research and publish our work; and (iii) environmental impact, referring to the way we influence directly and indirectly the environment through our activities.

Special Remark

CARMAE is not politically affiliated nor politically active. Though our members may express views that have implications on public policies and governmental affairs, we respect everyone’s political choices and consider that research, publishing, counseling, and any advocacy activity should be free from any political connotation. For instance, supporting the fight against corruption should not be interpreted in any political context, because our perspective is as much as possible a comprehensive one, without bearing any political ties, and based on in-depth research of the phenomenon. Similarly, valuing freedom of expression, especially in the case of journalists, does not mean we support a certain political view, because freedom of expression is a fundamental right, not a political value. Or providing arguments in favour of the ‘universal basic income’ should not put us in one political category or another, because this is an economic concept, not a political one.

Operational Management

[OM-01] CARMAE Policy concerning Safety & Security during External Visits; 2014.

[OM-02]  CARMAE Principles concerning the Lobby Activities; 2016.

[OM-03] CARMAE Due Diligence Framework for Future Partnerships; 2018.

Financial Management


Organisational Ethics

[OE-01] CARMAE Code of Ethics; 2014.

[OE-02] Conflict of Interests Policy; 2014.

[OE-03] Anti-Discrimination Policy; 2014.

Research Conduct

[RC-01] European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity; European Science Foundation, 2011. Revised version, 2017.

[RC-02] Singapore Statement on Research Integrity; 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010.

[RC-03] Singapore Statement on Responsible Research Publication; 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010.

[RC-04] Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors; Committee on Publication Ethics.

Environmental Impact

[EI-01] Our Environmental Commitment – Our Share; 2014.