[RO] 2016 Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum
Read moreThe 2nd press release for 2016 Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum, an annual event organized by the Centre for…
2016-02-01019 -
[RO] 2016 Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum
Read moreThe 1st press release for 2016 Romanian Ethics & Compliance Forum, an annual event organized by the Centre for…
2016-01-20 -
[EN] Informal Discussion on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Read moreOn January 11, 2016, Wolf Theiss Romania and the U.S. Embassy are organizing an informal discussion on the Foreign…
2016-01-03 -
Dreptul de a fi uitat pe Internet: aspecte etice şi juridice
Read moreÎn urmă cu un an, Curtea Europeană de Justiție a hotărât în cazul Google vs Spania faptul că date…