EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017

September 28, 2017 | 09.30.-13.00. | Musat & Associates HQ

In 2016, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics launched a series of events for people working in Ethics & Compliance or collateral fields (from Anti-Fraud and Risk Management to Internal Audit and Sustainability). It was 10 years later from the first steps taken in Romania and by Romanian specialists to build a professional community. This event is a continuation of that initiative and we hope you will join our efforts to promote integrity in the private, public and civil sectors.

The Prevention Clinique Series, 2016

Bayer Ethics & Compliance Talks 2016

Employee’s Right to Privacy and Labour Legislation

Dreptul angajaților la viață privată și legislația muncii

Anca VĂTĂȘOIU | Managing Associate (Mușat & Associates)

The main focus of the presentation will be on the ECHR solution recently issued in the case of Barbulescu vs. Romania, specifically the principles evoked by such forum in relation to the monitoring of employees’ activity by the employer and their practical applicability going forward. The presentation would also tackle the debate around the employer’s options to undergo controls or tests on employees at the workplace (e.g. drug/ alcohol tests, controls of belongings/ cabinets at company premises). The topics will primarily focus on recent case law of relevant courts and practical examples from the business environment.

Punctul principal de interes al prezentarii va fi solutia CEDO pronunata recent in cazul Barbulescu c. Romania, in mod special principiile evocate de acest forum in legatura cu monitorizarea activitatii salariatilor de catre angajator si aplicabilitatea practica a acestora in viitor. Prezentarea va aborda, de asemenea, si dezbaterea din jurul optiunilor angajatorului de a controla sau testa salariatii la locul de munca (e.g. teste anti-alcool/ anti-drog, controlarea bunurilor personale/ dulapurilor de la sediul societatii). Temele de discutie se vor concentra pe jurisprudenta recenta a instantelor relevante si pe exemple practice din mediul de afaceri.

Anca Vatasoiu (Musat & Associates)

Ms. Anca Vătășoiu joined Mușat & Associates in May 2017, as Managing Associate and has a 10 year well-rounded experience covering all employment aspects, including corporate restructurings, individual and collective lay-offs, transfers and takeover of business, individual and collective employment agreements, employee benefits and voluntary retirement plans, disciplinary dismissals, consultations and negotiations with the trade unions, employee privacy. She is particularly skilled in advising on various sensitive issues relating to the termination of individual employment agreements for top-management and executive positions, including structuring the compensation packages and negotiating additional conditions and obligations, as well as in advising on novel issues, such as preventive actions aimed at avoiding discrimination or harassment claims from employees.

Non-Financial Reporting for Romanian SOEs: Challenges and Suggestions

Raportarea non-financiară pentru companiile cu capital de stat din România: provocări și sugestii

Cristian DUCU, PhD | Senior Ethics & Compliance and Sustainability Consultant (CARMAE)

In 2014, EC and CONS reached a difficult compromise on the enhancement of corporate transparency on non-financial information and gender balance, and published Directive 2014/95/EU. At the end of 2016, Romania transposed this directive in a very strict way, while at the same time adopted a new National Anti-Corruption Strategy, which includes the obligation of non-financial reporting for all Romanian state-owned enterprises (SEOs). Earlier, new corporate governance standards for SOEs were adopted by the Romanian Government. This presentation will highlight some of the challenges related to these legal obligations and will provide some suggestions on how to map the reporting process, how to select the consultant, and how to communicate the results and the commitment to improve.

In 2014, Comisia Europeana si Consiliul au ajuns la un compromis asupra cresterii transparentei corporative in materie de informatii non-financiare si egalitate de gen si au publicat Directiva 2014/95/EU. La finalul lui 2016, Romania a transpus aceasta directiva intr-o maniera stricta si in acelasi timp a adoptat o noua Strategie Nationala Anti-Coruptie care include obligatia raportarii non-financiare pentru toate companiile cu capital de stat din Romania. Cu ceva timp inainte, noi standarde in materie de guvernare corporativa aplicabile companiilor cu capital de stat fusesera adoptate de Guvernul Romaniei. Aceasta prezentare va scoate in evidenta cateva provocari legat de aceste obligatii si va oferi cateva sugestii privind maparea procesului de raportare, selectarea consultantului, precum si comunicarea rezultatelor si a angajamentului de a le imbunatatii.

Cristian Ducu, PhD

Mr. Cristian Ducu is Doctor in Moral Philosophy of the University of Bucharest and a strong promoter of integrity in private, public, and civil sectors. Since 2013, he has served as Secretary of the Ethics Committee that supervises the Romanian Register of Transparency in Lobby and Advocacy, and, at the end of 2015, he became its President. Mr. Ducu is also the president of the European Ethics & Compliance Association and he has an extensive experience in teaching Ethics applied to various fields at two of the most prestigious Romanian universities (University of Bucharest and National School of Political and Administrative Sciences), as well as in consulting on Sustainability and Anti-Corruption Practices in public and private sectors. He is also an international ethics & compliance auditor (ethics audits, supply chain integrity audits), promoting an integrated approach in Ethics & Compliance and Sustainability.

Participation in this event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. In order to register for this particular session, you need to use the form available right below this message. There is a limited number of seats and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this special event.

Event Agenda / September 28, 2017

09.30.–10.00.   Welcome Coffee
10.00.–10.30.  Employee’s Right to Privacy and Labour Legislation / Dreptul angajaților la viață privată și legislația muncii
Anca VĂTĂȘOIU | Managing Associate (Mușat & Associates)
10.30.–11.00.   Q/A Session
11.00.–11.30.   Non-Financial Reporting for Romanian SOEs: Challenges and Suggestions / Raportarea non-financiară pentru companiile cu capital de stat din România: provocări și sugestii
Cristian DUCU, PhD | Senior Ethics & Compliance and Sustainability Consultant (CARMAE)
11.30.–12.00.   Q/A Session
12.00.-13.00.   Networking Lunch

Event Organizer: Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics
Partner: Musat & Associates
With support of: European Ethics & Compliance Association

Event Location: Musat & Associates HQ
Address: 43 Aviatorilor Blvd., Bucharest, 011853, Romania
We recommend you to use Aviatorilor Metro Station to get to the event location. Parking space is not provided.

This event is open to:
• Ethics & Compliance / Compliance Professionals
• Law Professionals
• Anti-Money Laundering Professionals
• Fraud Prevention Professionals
• Risk Professionals
• Internal Control Professionals
• Integrity / Anti-Corruption Professionals
• Audit Professionals
• Human Resources Professionals
• Social Responsibility / Sustainability / Community Affairs Professionals
• Corporate Governance Professionals
• Data Protection Professionals
• Public Affairs / Governmental Affairs / Lobby Professionals
• Personnel of national offices for Money Laundering Prevention, Anti-Corruption Fighting, Justice, Labour and Equal Opportunities, Fiscal Administration

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    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)