EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017

October 23, 2017 | 09.30.-13.00. | Musat & Associates HQ

In 2016, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics launched a series of events for people working in Ethics & Compliance or collateral fields (from Anti-Fraud and Risk Management to Internal Audit and Sustainability). It was 10 years later from the first steps taken in Romania and by Romanian specialists to build a professional community. This event is a continuation of that initiative and we hope you will join our efforts to promote integrity in the private, public and civil sectors.

The Prevention Clinique Series, 2016

Bayer Ethics & Compliance Talks 2016

Participation in this event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. In order to register for this particular session, you need to use the form available right below this message. There is a limited number of seats and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this special event.

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    Last Name / Nume (*)

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    Organisation / Organizaţia

    Position / Poziţia ocupată

    Event Agenda / October 23, 2017

    09.30.–10.00.   Welcome Coffee
    10.00.–10.30.  Preventing Corruption and Security Breaches at Management Level. Costs of Lack of Compliance with AML and ABAC Legislation / Prevenirea corupției și a breșelor de securitate la nivelul managementului. Costurile lipsei de conformitate cu legislația privind spălarea banilor și corupția
    Liviu TOGAN | Partner (Mușat & Associates)
    10.30.–11.00.   Q/A Session
    11.00.–11.30.   International Corruption and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act / Corupția la nivel internațional și FCPA
    Marc SONGSANAND | Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
    11.30.–12.00.   Q/A Session
    12.00.-13.00.   Networking Lunch

    Event Organizer: Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics
    Partner: Musat & Associates
    With support of: European Ethics & Compliance Association

    Event Location: Musat & Associates HQ
    Address: 43 Aviatorilor Blvd., Bucharest, 011853, Romania
    We recommend you to use Aviatorilor Metro Station to get to the event location. Parking space is not provided.

    This event is open to:
    • CEOs / GMs
    • CFOs / Accounting Professionals
    • Members of the Board
    • Ethics & Compliance / Compliance Professionals
    • Law Professionals
    • Anti-Money Laundering Professionals
    • Fraud Prevention Professionals
    • Risk Professionals
    • Internal Control Professionals
    • Integrity / Anti-Corruption Professionals
    • Audit Professionals
    • Human Resources Professionals
    • Social Responsibility / Sustainability / Community Affairs Professionals
    • Corporate Governance Professionals
    • Data Protection Professionals
    • Public Affairs / Governmental Affairs / Lobby Professionals
    • Personnel of national offices for Money Laundering Prevention, Anti-Corruption Fighting, Justice, Labour and Equal Opportunities, Fiscal Administration

    Preventing Corruption and Security Breaches at Management Level. Costs of Lack of Compliance with AML and ABAC Legislation

    Prevenirea corupției și a breșelor de securitate la nivelul managementului. Costurile lipsei de conformitate cu legislația privind spălarea banilor și corupția

    Liviu TOGAN | Partner (Mușat & Associates)

    The administration of a company in Romanian business environment comes not only with economic and regulatory challenges, but also with an increased amount of issues related to governance, especially in the case of local branches/subsidiaries of international organizations. The majority of these issues are related to integrity and security of the management of a company. Thus, in order to prevent the costs associated with corrupt business practices, it is recommended to implement at organizational and operational level certain compliance procedure in regards to AML and ABAC legislation. Our presentation will address these topics not only from a regulatory perspective, but also with reference to practical cases from recent jurisprudence.

    Administrarea unei companii in mediul de afaceri din Romania vine nu doar cu provocari economice si de ordin legislativ, ci si cu din ce in ce mai multe probleme care privesc conducerea unei companii, in special in cazul reprezentantelor locale ale unor organizatii internationale. In marea lor majoritate, aceste probleme sunt legate de integritatea si securitatea managementului unei companii. Astfel, pentru a preveni aparitia unor costuri asociate practicilor de business corupte, se recomanda implementarea la nivel organizational si operational a unor proceduri de conformitate cu referinta la legislatia AML si ABAC. Prezentarea noastra va aborda aceste subiecte nu doar din perspectiva reglementarilor existente, ci si cu referire la cazuri practice din jurisprudenta recenta.

    Liviu Togan (Musat & Associates)

    Mr. Togan specializes in Criminal Law, Corporate & Commercial Law, Litigation & Arbitration, having a practical professional experience of almost 20 years. Liviu represented various companies and individuals (especially businessmen and public figures) before criminal investigation authorities and Romanian courts at all levels, within complex legal proceedings relating to corruption offences, tax evasion, money laundering, creation of organized crime groups, as well as abuse of office, deceit etc.
    His expertise also includes performance of compliance corporate audits, by assisting various clients with the identification and remedy of criminal risks that can affect the economic activity of corporations, as well as a wide experience in Mergers and Acquisitions and Energy sectors. Mr. Togan also assists and represents clients in disputes relating to administrative and tax law, corporate law and in insolvency proceedings.

    International Corruption and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

    Corupția la nivel internațional și FCPA

    Marc SONGSANAND | Special Agent (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

    This presentation will examine the impact of corruption around the globe, explain the significance of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and describe who and what is covered by the FCPA’s anti-bribery and accounting provisions.

    Aceasta prezentare va examina impactul coruptiei la nivel global, va explica semnificatia “Legii privind faptele de coruptie in afara tarii” (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – FCPA), si va descrie cine si ce este acoperit de prevederile FCPA privind mita si transparenta contabila.

    Marc Songsanand

    Mr. Songsanand is presently completing a three month temporary duty assignment in the Legal Attaché office of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest, where he works with Romanian law enforcement authorities to investigate violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
    Special Agent Songsanand is a criminal investigator assigned to the FBI’s San Francisco Field Office. Special Agent Songsanand has been investigating crimes relating to public corruption and civil rights matters in the Northern California area since 2009. During his tenure as a corruption investigator, Special Agent Songsanand led a county-wide law enforcement corruption investigation that resulted in the conviction of police officers from three departments for a variety of corruption and civil rights crimes. Special Agent Songsanand entered duty with the FBI in 2003 as an Investigative Specialist and became a Special Agent in 2005. Prior to becoming a corruption investigator, Special Agent Songsanand was assigned to investigate violent crimes, and achieved convictions of subjects for crimes such as bank robbery, child molestation, and homicide. Special Agent Songsanand has also served in a collateral duty for seven years as an investigator on the FBI’s Evidence Response Team.

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (October 23, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (October 23, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (October 23, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (October 23, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (October 23, 2017; Musat & Associates)

    EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (October 23, 2017; Musat & Associates)