EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017
November 23, 2017 | 09.30.-13.00. | Musat & Associates HQ
In 2016, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics launched a series of events for people working in Ethics & Compliance or collateral fields (from Anti-Fraud and Risk Management to Internal Audit and Sustainability). It was 10 years later from the first steps taken in Romania and by Romanian specialists to build a professional community. This event is a continuation of that initiative and we hope you will join our efforts to promote integrity in the private, public and civil sectors.
Participation in this event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. In order to register for this particular session, you need to use the form available right below this message. There is a limited number of seats and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this special event. Only confirmed registrees will be able to participate.
Event Agenda / November 23, 2017
Dan MINOIU | Managing Associate (Mușat & Associates)
Laura FLOREA | Managing Partner (Point Public Affairs)
Event Organizer: Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics
Partner: Musat & Associates
With support of: European Ethics & Compliance Association
Event Location: Musat & Associates HQ
Address: 43 Aviatorilor Blvd., Bucharest, 011853, Romania
We recommend you to use Aviatorilor Metro Station to get to the event location. Parking space is not provided.
This event is open to:
• CEOs / GMs
• CFOs / Accounting Professionals
• Members of the Board
• Ethics & Compliance / Compliance Professionals
• Public Affairs / Governmental Affairs / Lobby Professionals
• Law Professionals
• Anti-Money Laundering Professionals
• Fraud Prevention Professionals
• Risk Professionals
• Internal Control Professionals
• Integrity / Anti-Corruption Professionals
• Audit Professionals
• Human Resources Professionals
• Social Responsibility / Sustainability / Community Affairs Professionals
• Corporate Governance Professionals
• Data Protection Professionals
• Personnel of national offices for Money Laundering Prevention, Anti-Corruption Fighting, Justice, Labour and Equal Opportunities, Fiscal Administration
Reviewing the Compliance Policies of Pharma Companies regarding the Sponsorship of Healthcare Professionals
Adaptarea politicilor de conformitate ale companiilor farmaceutice în legătură cu sponsorizarea profesioniștilor în domeniul sănătății
Dan MINOIU | Managing Associate (Mușat & Associates)
The presentation covers, from a legal perspective, several aspects relevant for pharmaceutical companies, physicians, as well as for the patients insured in the Romanian healthcare system, amongst which:
* the conclusions of the Competition Council’s sector inquiry, as regards the sponsorship of physicians within the promotional activities carried out or financed by pharma companies;
* the implementation of the new rules on the disclosure of transfers of value, into the national legislation, in comparison with other European countries;
* the persons and entities who should declare the sponsorships, as well as the information disclosed to the public;
* the sponsorship of physicians for attending national and international medical congresses; the activities which can be sponsored and the applicable limits;
* conflicts of interests incident in the healthcare professionals’ activities; incompatibilities in exercising the physician profession;
* recent case law regarding the physicians’ qualification as public officers; differences between the physicians who are public officers and the ones working only in the private sector;
* preventing, finding and solving compliance issues, in the current context of the interactions between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals.
În cadrul prezentării vor fi analizate, din perspectivă juridică, o serie de aspecte de interes pentru companii farmaceutice, medici, dar și pentru pacienții asigurați în sistemul de sănătate românesc, printre care:
* concluziile Raportului Consiliului Concurenței privind sponsorizarea medicilor în cadrul activităților de promovare a medicamentelor desfășurate sau finanțate de companiile farmaceutice;
* implementarea noilor reguli privind transparența transferurilor de valoare în legislația română, în comparație cu alte state europene;
* persoanele și entitățile supuse obligației de declarare a sponsorizărilor, precum și informațiile publicate;
* sponsorizarea medicilor pentru participarea la congrese medicale naționale și internaționale; activitățile care pot fi sponsorizate și limitele aplicabile;
* conflictele de interese incidente în activitatea profesioniștilor în domeniul sănătății; incompatibilități în exercitarea profesiei de medic;
* jurisprudența recentă în legătură cu calitatea medicilor de funcționari publici; diferențele între medicii funcționari publici și cei care lucrează exclusiv în mediul privat;
* prevenirea, identificarea și soluționarea problemelor de conformitate, în contextul interacțiunilor dintre companiile farmaceutice și profesioniștii în domeniul sănătății.
Mr. Minoiu has 10 years of professional experience, providing legal assistance to leading international and domestic companies, organizations and institutions acting in the pharmaceutical and healthcare fields in connection with regulatory, intellectual property, competition, corporate, commercial and compliance matters.
He advises on a regular basis clients on various regulatory and compliance issues, on the promotion, distribution, prescription and reimbursement of medicines, medical devices and medical services, on clinical trials, as well as on the implementation of complex and innovative projects, representing over the years numerous clients in high profile cases before the competent authorities and institutions.
Lobby: The Red Line of Ethics
Lobby: Firul roșu al eticii
Laura FLOREA | Managing Partner (Point Public Affairs)
The new world in which we live belongs more and more to the consumers who choose not cheap products, but rather brands with purpose. It is the world, which belongs to citizens who rally not against low salaries and benefits, but rather for ideals and principles. It is the world in which awareness does not stand anymore for reputation. The new world is the world of technology, in which we navigate on the multitude of communication channels, in which we interact with an unprecedented variety of people.
In this new world, which did not exist 20 years ago, lobbying changed radically. We shall speak about this transformation and about how important it is, more than ever, to hold on to the red line of ethics.
Lumea nouă în care trăim este din ce în ce mai mult a consumatorilor care aleg nu produsele care sunt ieftine, ci brandurile care au scop. Este lumea cetățenilor care ies în stradă nu pentru salarii și beneficii, ci pentru idealuri și principii. Este lumea în care din ce în ce mai mult notorietatea nu mai ține loc de reputație. Lumea nouă este lumea tehnologiei, în care navigăm pe multitudinea de canale de comunicare, în care interacționăm cu o varietate nemaiîntâlnită de oameni.
În această lume nouă, care acum 20 ani nu exista, lobby-ul s-a transformat radical. Vom vorbi despre acest lucru și despre cât este de important, mai mult ca niciodată, să ne ținem de firul roșul al eticii.
Ms. Florea is a pioneer in public affairs, building her expertise since 1995. In 2008, she became an entrepreneur, founding Point Public Affairs. Two years later, she took on a leading role within the industry and founded the Romanian Lobbying Registry Association, of which she is the President in the second mandate. Mr. Florea is also the Vice President of the Public Affairs Community of Europe. She is a Visiting Professor within the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, teaching Lobbying in a Master Programme. She has been contributing to several lobbying European studies.