EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017

November 2, 2017 | 09.30.-13.00. | Musat & Associates HQ

In 2016, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics launched a series of events for people working in Ethics & Compliance or collateral fields (from Anti-Fraud and Risk Management to Internal Audit and Sustainability). It was 10 years later from the first steps taken in Romania and by Romanian specialists to build a professional community. This event is a continuation of that initiative and we hope you will join our efforts to promote integrity in the private, public and civil sectors.

The Prevention Clinique Series, 2016

Bayer Ethics & Compliance Talks 2016

Participation in this event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. In order to register for this particular session, you need to use the form available right below this message. There is a limited number of seats and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this special event.

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    Event Agenda / November 2, 2017

    09.30.–10.00.   Welcome Coffee
    10.00.–10.30.  GDPR: The Exercise of the Rights of Data Subjects / GDPR: Exercitarea drepturilor persoanelor vizate
    Bogdan MIHAI | Partner (Mușat & Associates)
    10.30.–11.00.   Q/A Session
    11.00.–11.30.   Understanding the Total Cost of AML. Perspectives on How Financial Institutions Are Responding to Regulatory Obligations and Operational Pressures / Intelegand costul total al AML-ului. Perspective asupra modului in care institutiile financiare raspund la obligatiile legale si presiunile operationale
    Chrisol CORREIA | Director, Market Planning (LexisNexis Risk Solutions)
    11.30.–12.00.   Q/A Session
    12.00.-13.00.   Networking Lunch

    Event Organizer: Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics
    Partner: Musat & Associates
    With support of: European Ethics & Compliance Association, InfoCredit Group (Cyprus), and LexisNexis Risk Solutions (UK)

    Event Location: Musat & Associates HQ
    Address: 43 Aviatorilor Blvd., Bucharest, 011853, Romania
    We recommend you to use Aviatorilor Metro Station to get to the event location. Parking space is not provided.

    This event is open to:
    • CEOs / GMs
    • CFOs / Accounting Professionals
    • Members of the Board
    • Ethics & Compliance / Compliance Professionals
    • Law Professionals
    • Anti-Money Laundering Professionals
    • Fraud Prevention Professionals
    • Risk Professionals
    • Internal Control Professionals
    • Integrity / Anti-Corruption Professionals
    • Audit Professionals
    • Human Resources Professionals
    • Social Responsibility / Sustainability / Community Affairs Professionals
    • Corporate Governance Professionals
    • Data Protection Professionals
    • Public Affairs / Governmental Affairs / Lobby Professionals
    • Personnel of national offices for Money Laundering Prevention, Anti-Corruption Fighting, Justice, Labour and Equal Opportunities, Fiscal Administration

    GDPR: The Exercise of the Rights of Data Subjects

    GDPR: Exercitarea drepturilor persoanelor vizate

    Bogdan MIHAI | Partner (Mușat & Associates)

    The rights of data subjects in the context of the new Regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR) are not regarded as being completely innovative, as they fall, to a large extent, under the scope of the Data Protection Directive. Nevertheless, this new Regulation brings certain changes to these rights and obligations, while simultaneously considering them to be highly important, establishing Level 2 sanctions for violation of these rights by data controllers. Therefore, considering that both data controllers and data subjects are actors on the scene portrayed by the Regulation, a proper understanding of each one’s role is essential for compliance with GDPR requirements.In this context, we consider appropriate to describe these rights both from the perspective of the data subject and of the data controller, while emphasizing some practical aspects that data controller should consider in its process of becoming compliant with the provisions of the Regulation.

    Drepturile persoanelor vizate în contextul noului Regulament privind Protecția Datelor Personale («GDPR») nu reprezintă un aspect de totală inovație, acestea fiind în mare măsura prezente și sub reglementarea Directivei privind Protecția Datelor. Cu toate acestea noul Regulament aduce anumite schimbări acestor drepturi și obligații dând totodată o importanță majoră acestor drepturi, prin stabilirea unor sancțiuni de nivel 2 pentru nerespectarea respectivelor drepturi de către operatorii de date. De aceea, luând în considerare că atât operatorii cât și persoanele fizice sunt actori pe scena noului Regulament, o buna înțelegere a rolurilor fiecăruia este esențială pentru conformarea cu cerințele GDPR. În acest context, am considerat oportun sa prezentăm respectivele drepturi atât din perspectiva persoanei vizate cât și din cea a operatorului de date, încercând totodată să punctăm anumite aspecte de ordin practic pe care operatorul ar trebui să le aibă în vedere în procesul de conformare cu prevederile Regulamentului.

    Bogdan Mihai (Musat & Associates)

    Mr. Mihai has an experience of over 17 years with Mușat & Asociații being recognised as one of the most valued attorneys in the areas of Telecommunications, Media, IT and Data Protection. Throughout his legal practice, Bogdan provided legal advice in relation to the purchase of various telecom operators in Romania and advised high-profile companies with operations at international level in legal matters related to the provision of IT services and software. He acted on a number of Romanian privatizations, having a wide and considerable experience of the due diligence process, drafting and negotiating transaction documents as well as providing post-acquisition legal advice. In addition, Bogdan delivers regular legal assistance services in the field of Public Procurement, Corporate and Commercial Law, as well as in Mergers and Acquisitions. Among its clientele, we can mention Amazon, Google, Apple, the Romanian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the General Inspectorate or Communications and many others.

    Understanding the Total Cost of AML. Perspectives on How Financial Institutions Are Responding to Regulatory Obligations and Operational Pressures

    Intelegand costul total al AML-ului. Perspective asupra modului in care institutiile financiare raspund la obligatiile legale si presiunile operationale

    Chrisol CORREIA | Director, Market Planning (LexisNexis Risk Solutions)

    Financial institutions are under sustained pressure to raise standards of AML compliance whilst also seeing the scope of responsibilities widen in response to regulatory change and the evolution of risk. For example, recent initiatives that increase the scope of AML responsibilities, wider and more complex sanctions régimes and an increased focus on bribery and tax evasion all require institutions to invest more resources to manage these risks. This presentation reviews the compliance challenges faced by regulated institutions and how the risk-based approach is used to manage operational pressures. Recent industry insight will be shared on how institutions are balancing the demands of regulatory compliance, operational effectiveness and business objectives in a sustainable manner.

    Institutiile financiare sunt sub o constanta presiune de a ridica nivelul standardelor de conformitate cu politicile privind combaterea spalarii banilor in acelasi timp in care isi vad largit scopul responsabilitatilor ca raspuns la schimbarile legislative si la evolutia riscurilor. A se vedea, de exemplu, initiative recente care au largit scopul responsabilitatilor AML, care au largit regimul sanctiunilor si au crescut nivelul lor de complexitate, precum și care au marit atentia asupra mitei si evaziunii fiscale; toate acestea solicita institutiilor financiare sa investeasca mai multe resurse pentru a gestiona aceste riscuri. Aceasta prezentare trece in revista provocarile pe parte de conformitate cu care se confrunta institutiile reglementate si cum poate o abordare bazata pe analiza riscurilor sa fie folosita pentru a gestiona presiunile operationale. Vor fi oferite cateva observatii cu privire la modul in care institutiile pot sa isi contra-balanseze intr-un mod sustenabil obligatiile privind conformitatea, eficacitatea operationala si obiectivele de business.

    Chrisol Correia (LexisNexis Risk Solutions)

    Mr. Correia is International Head of AML Compliance at LexisNexis® Risk Solutions. Based in London, he is responsible for managing and developing international AML and financial crime solutions, including customer and transaction screening software, WorldCompliance data solutions for third party risk management, as well as international identity verification solutions. Areas of expertise include AML-KYC, real-time transaction filtering, negative media monitoring and anti-bribery and corruption compliance. Mr. Correia has developed compliance data solutions since 2001, primarily for the financial services sector. He has worked with clients in over 30 countries and is a regular speaker at events such as ACAMS and SIBOS, as well as often contributing to industry briefings for the British Bankers’ Association. He is regularly called on by the UK and international mainstream and financial press, including the Daily Telegraph, Reuters, Bloomberg, American Banker, Wirtschaftswoche and The South China Morning Post, for commentary on money laundering, terrorist financing and global sanctions. Educated at the University of Leeds, he received a Bachelor of Arts, subsequently attaining his Master of Arts from King’s College, London.