Case Study ECA 21/003
Read moreOne week ago, the Compliance VP received an anonymous email complianing about the attitude of the Austria CCO and…
2021-10-1500 -
Case Study ECA 21/002
Read moreNick joined Plimens Co. recently. He was hired as EMEA Chief #Compliance Officer (CCO). In the past two months,…
2021-09-18 -
Case Study ECA 21/001
Read moreA company new to Ethics & Compliance has to implement 4 different internal mechanisms to stay aligned to its…
2021-09-15 -
A Few Simple Rules for Case Study Analysis
Read moreFirst of all, the Case Study Method (CSM) should not be confused with the Case Study methodology employed by…
The “Ring” Newspaper, a Judge from the Superior Council of Magistracy, and His Daughter [RO]
Read moreTitlul stirii, caracteristic scriiturii de tabloid, avertizeaza deja cititorii ca Danilet a facut ceva inadecvat functiei pe care o…
2012-09-09 -
Fake News on Antena 3 Website [RO]
Read moreCea mai des intalnita practica in acest mediu virtual este aceea a traducerii dintr-o limba straina, in special din…
2012-08-15 -
A Police Spokesman’s Private Life Subject of Media Scrutiny [RO]
Read moreLa câteva luni după ce presa mondenă scrise despre viaţa amoroasă a lui Christian Ciocan, acesta a reintrat în…
2012-06-03 -
Three Cases of Sexual Harassment [RO]
Read moreThree case studies on sexual harassment that can be used in internal training programs for raising awareness on this…
2012-05-09 -
Election Fraud in a Romanian Village [RO]
Read moreSunteți jurnalist. Ce faceţi în momentul în care observaţi că în cabina de vot intră două persoane? Cum relataţi…
2012-04-01 -
Palm Oil Industry Facing Strong Bullying Campaigns [RO]
Read moreUleiul de palmier este numit adesea “aurul lichid”. Întrebuinţările sale în industrie nu se limitează la produsele semipreparate, dulciuri…