EthicsComplianceHubs | Bucharest Edition, 2018

June 7, 2018 | 09.30.-13.00. | Musat & Associates HQ

In 2016, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics launched a series of events for people working in Ethics & Compliance or collateral fields (from Anti-Fraud and Risk Management to Internal Audit and Sustainability). It was 10 years later from the first steps taken in Romania and by Romanian specialists to build a professional community. This event is a continuation of that initiative and we hope you will join our efforts to promote integrity in the private, public and civil sectors.

EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (November 2, 2017; Musat & Associates)

EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)

Participation in this event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. In order to register for this particular session, you need to use the form available right below this message. There is a limited number of seats and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this special event. Only confirmed registrees will be able to participate.

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    Your personal data is processed by the Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics exclusively for informing you about the event you subscribed to and other similar activities, and will not be shared with any third party, unless the law requires otherwise. Expressing your intention to participate in this event does not generate any kind of legal obligation from you or the Centre and its partners and you should be aware that the organizers retain the right to cancel the event without any further due.

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    Event Agenda / June 7, 2018

    09.30.–10.00.   Welcome Coffee
    10.00.–10.30.  The Role of Good Faith in the System for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights / Rolul bunei-credinte in sistemul de protectie a drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala
    Paul BUTA | Partner (Mușat & Associates)
    10.30.–11.00.   Q/A Session
    11.00.–11.30.   The Challenges of ABAC Compliance in the Supply Chain: From Due Diligence to 3rd-Party Audit / Provocarile Conformitatii in materie de anti-coruptie si anti-mita in lantul de productie: de la due diligence la auditul de terta parte
    Cristian DUCU | President (European Ethics & Compliance Association)
    11.30.–12.00.   Q/A Session
    12.00.-13.00.   Networking Lunch

    Event Organizer: Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics
    Partner: Musat & Associates
    With support of: European Ethics & Compliance Association and “Legal Magazin

    Event Location: Musat & Associates HQ
    Address: 43 Aviatorilor Blvd., Bucharest, 011853, Romania
    We recommend you to use Aviatorilor Metro Station to get to the event location. Parking space is not provided.

    This event is open to:
    • CEOs / GMs
    • CFOs / Accounting Professionals
    • Members of the Board
    • Ethics & Compliance / Compliance Professionals
    • Public Affairs / Governmental Affairs / Lobby Professionals
    • Law Professionals
    • Anti-Money Laundering Professionals
    • Fraud Prevention Professionals
    • Risk Professionals
    • Internal Control Professionals
    • Integrity / Anti-Corruption Professionals
    • Audit Professionals
    • Human Resources Professionals
    • Social Responsibility / Sustainability / Community Affairs Professionals
    • Corporate Governance Professionals
    • Data Protection Professionals
    • Personnel of national offices for Money Laundering Prevention, Anti-Corruption Fighting, Justice, Labour and Equal Opportunities, Fiscal Administration

    The Role of Good Faith in the System for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

    Rolul bunei-credinte in sistemul de protectie a drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala

    Paul-George BUTA, PhD | Partner (Mușat & Associates)

    In the increasingly heated debates surrounding the justification of Intellectual Property Rights, arguments grounded in ethics try to minimize economic arguments. But where is the place of good-faith in the system for the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights? Can acting in good-faith avoid or minimize the risks associated with the infringement of Intellectual Property Rights? How can compliance policies be designed to minimize such risks?
    The presentation aims to show that the “classic” approach to good-faith is insufficient for ensuring compliance with regard to Intellectual Property Rights. For such purpose, specific procedures that are adapted to the characteristics of each right in the heterogeneous category of Intellectual Property Rights need to be developed in order to minimize the risks of infringement and to ground an argument of “use in good faith”.
    Practically, we will try to sketch a general check-list to be used in internal verification procedures in order to help Legal and Compliance Officers navigate the always murky waters of limitations to use materials protected by Intellectual Property Rights.

    În dezbaterile tot mai aprige privind justificarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală, argumentele ancorate în considerente etice încearcă să le minimizeze pe cele economice. Dar care este locul bunei-credințe în sistemul de protecție a drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală? Poate conduita de bună-credință să evite sau să minimizeze riscurile asociate încălcării drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală? Ce se poate face din punct de vedere al politicilor de compliance pentru a minimiza riscul?
    Prezentarea își propune să evidențieze faptul că abordarea “clasică” asupra bunei-credințe nu este suficientă pentru Compliance atunci când vine vorba de drepturile de proprietate intelectuală. În cazul acestora este necesară dezvoltarea de proceduri specifice, adaptate naturii fiecărui drept specific din cadrul categoriei eterogene a drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală, pentru a minimiza riscul de încălcare și pentru a fundamenta o poziție de utilizator “de bună credință”.
    Practic, urmărim creionarea unui check-list general care să fie urmărit în cadrul procedurilor interne de verificare pentru a ajuta Responsabilii de Legal și Compliance în navigarea apelor mereu tulburi ale limitelor utilizării de materiale protejate prin drepturi de proprietate intelectuală.

    Paul BUTA (Musat & Associates)

    Paul Buta, PhD in Intellectual Property Law and Assistant Professor with the “Nicolae Titulescu” Faculty of Law, has over 12 years experience in the field and has specialized in intellectual property law, competition law and civil and commercial litigation. His involvement has mainly been in complex projects involving both assistance and representation of a significant portfolio of international clients (mainly foreign investors and multinationals) on issues pertaining to intellectual property law, competition law as well as related dispute resolution proceedings. Paul is also recognized for his expertise in tax litigation and international arbitration, particularly for his ability to analyze multifaceted factual situations and to provide innovative solutions in order to successfully manage complex projects and commercial disputes.

    The Challenges of ABAC Compliance in the Supply Chain:
    From Due Diligence to 3rd-Party Audit

    Provocarile Conformitatii in materie de anti-coruptie si anti-mita in lantul de productie:
    de la due diligence la auditul de terta parte

    Cristian DUCU, PhD | President (European Ethics & Compliance Association)

    For most companies, ABAC policies and procedures represent the core of their Ethics & Compliance management systems/programs. Their design and deployment is heavily influenced by the regulatory frameworks applying to the companies themselves and their international suppliers and other partners. FCPA and UK Anti-Bribery Act are the most common regulatory pillars, but are far from being the only ones.
    Contrary to the myriad of regulations, standards, and guidelines, corruption and bribery remain a constant threat throughout the supply chain: from petty corruption (e.g., paying a small bribe to the Labour Inspector to overlook the safety violations) to political donations (e.g., paying for campaign expenses in exchange for protection from enforcement agencies) or occupational fraud (e.g., hiring on paper the son of a mayor in order to obtain building permits).
    The focus of this presentation is on the complexity of the ABAC compliance and the challenges associated with a widespread supply chain. The central question is what can a company effectively do in order to reduce the level of risks concerning corruption and bribery in the supply chain?

    Pentru cele mai multe companii, politicile si procedurile privind anti-coruptia si anti-mita reprezinta nucleul sistemelor de management/programelor de Etica & Conformitate. Design-ul si implementarea lor sunt puternic influentate de cadrele de reglementare care se aplica atat companiilor insele, cat si furnizorilor si partenerilor lor internationali. FCPA si UK Anti-Bribery Act sunt pilonii cei mai obisnuiti in materie de reglementare, dar nu sunt nici pe departe singurii.
    Contrar multitudinii de reglementari, standarde si recomandari, coruptia si mita raman o amenintare constanta pe tot lantul de productie: fie ca vorbim de mica coruptie (de exemplu, o suma de bani data sub forma de mita unui inspector de la ITM pentru a trece cu vederea probleme privind siguranta angajatilor), fie de donatiile catre partide politice (de exemplu, plata unor cheltuieli in campanie electorala in schimbul protectie in fata autoritatilor) sau frauda ocupationala (de exemplu, angajarea fictiva a fiului unui primar pentru obtinerea autorizatiei de constructie).
    Prezentarea se va concentra asupra complexitatii Conformitatii ABAC si provocarilor asociate unui lant de productie extins. Intrebarea centrala priveste ce anume poate face in mod eficace o companie pentru a reduce nivelul de risk relativ la coruptie si mita pe lantul de productie.

    Cristian Ducu

    Cristian is Doctor in Moral Philosophy of the University of Bucharest and a strong promoter of integrity in private, public, and civil sectors. Since 2013, he has served as Secretary of the Ethics Committee that supervises the Romanian Register of Transparency in Lobby and Advocacy, and, at the end of 2015, he became its President. Mr. Ducu is also the president of the European Ethics & Compliance Association and he has an extensive experience in teaching Ethics applied to various fields at two of the most prestigious Romanian universities (University of Bucharest and National School of Political and Administrative Sciences), as well as in consulting on Sustainability and Anti-Corruption Practices in public and private sectors. He is also an international ethics & compliance auditor (ethics audits, supply chain integrity audits), promoting an integrated approach in Ethics & Compliance and Sustainability.


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