EthicsComplianceHubs | Bucharest Edition, 2018

April 26, 2018 | 09.30.-13.00. | Musat & Associates HQ

In 2016, Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics launched a series of events for people working in Ethics & Compliance or collateral fields (from Anti-Fraud and Risk Management to Internal Audit and Sustainability). It was 10 years later from the first steps taken in Romania and by Romanian specialists to build a professional community. This event is a continuation of that initiative and we hope you will join our efforts to promote integrity in the private, public and civil sectors.

EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (November 2, 2017; Musat & Associates)

EthicsComplianceHub :: Bucharest, 2017 (September 28, 2017; Musat & Associates)

Participation in this event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory. In order to register for this particular session, you need to use the form available right below this message. There is a limited number of seats and we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this special event. Only confirmed registrees will be able to participate.

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    Your personal data is processed by the Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics exclusively for informing you about the event you subscribed to and other similar activities, and will not be shared with any third party, unless the law requires otherwise. Expressing your intention to participate in this event does not generate any kind of legal obligation from you or the Centre and its partners and you should be aware that the organizers retain the right to cancel the event without any further due.

    I understand and I agree to receive further information regarding this event and other similar activities organized by the Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics and its partners.Do not send any information beside the details regarding the event I submitted to.


    Event Agenda / April 26, 2018

    09.30.–10.00.   Welcome Coffee
    10.00.–10.30.  The Controller – Processor Relationship / Relatia Operator de date – Imputernicit
    Bogdan MIHAI | Partner (Mușat & Associates)
    10.30.–11.00.   Q/A Session
    11.00.–11.30.   Compliance with European and U.S. Sanctions and Export Control Regulations / Conformitatea cu reglementarile europene si americane privind sanctiunile si controlul exporturilor
    Carmen Iuliana DUMITRU | Export Control Officer (Siemens)
    11.30.–12.00.   Q/A Session
    12.00.-13.00.   Networking Lunch

    Event Organizer: Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics
    Partner: Musat & Associates
    With support of: European Ethics & Compliance Association and “Legal Magazin

    Event Location: Musat & Associates HQ
    Address: 43 Aviatorilor Blvd., Bucharest, 011853, Romania
    We recommend you to use Aviatorilor Metro Station to get to the event location. Parking space is not provided.

    This event is open to:
    • CEOs / GMs
    • CFOs / Accounting Professionals
    • Members of the Board
    • Privacy & Data Protection Professionals
    • Export Control Professionals
    • Ethics & Compliance / Compliance Professionals
    • Public Affairs / Governmental Affairs / Lobby Professionals
    • Law Professionals
    • Anti-Money Laundering Professionals
    • Fraud Prevention Professionals
    • Risk Professionals
    • Internal Control Professionals
    • Integrity / Anti-Corruption Professionals
    • Audit Professionals
    • Human Resources Professionals
    • Social Responsibility / Sustainability / Community Affairs Professionals
    • Corporate Governance Professionals
    • Personnel of national offices for Money Laundering Prevention, Anti-Corruption Fighting, Justice, Labour and Equal Opportunities, Fiscal Administration

    The Controller – Processor Relationship

    Relatia Operator de date – Imputernicit

    Bogdan MIHAI | Partner (Mușat & Associates)

    The GDPR provides for a new set of rules concerning the data controller data processor relationship. Such change will lead to hurdles that must be overcome by the data controllers and data processors alike. Without daring to exhaust the subject we would submit the said relationship to debate from a legal and practical standpoint.

    GDPR prevede un nou set de reguli în ceea ce privește relația operator de date împuternicit. O astfel de schimbare va conduce la probleme ce vor trebui depășite atât de către operatorii de date cât și de către împuterniciți. Fără a avea pretenția de a epuiza acest subiect vom încerca să supunem dezbaterii această relație din punct de vedere juridic și practic.

    Bogdan Mihai (Musat & Associates)

    Bogdan has an experience of over 17 years with Musat & Partners Law Firm being recognised as one of the most valued attorneys in the areas of Telecommunications, Media, IT and Data Protection. Throughout his legal practice, Bogdan provided legal advice in relation to the purchase of various telecom operators in Romania and advised high-profile companies with operations at international level in legal matters related to the provision of IT services and software. He acted on a number of Romanian privatizations, having a wide and considerable experience of the due diligence process, drafting and negotiating transaction documents as well as providing post-acquisition legal advice. In addition, Bogdan delivers regular legal assistance services in the field of Public Procurement, Corporate and Commercial Law, as well as in Mergers and Acquisitions.

    Compliance with European and U.S. Sanctions and Export Control Regulations

    Conformitatea cu reglementarile europene si americane privind sanctiunile si controlul exporturilor

    Carmen Iuliana DUMITRU | Export Control Officer (Siemens)

    The presentation will focus on what is Export Control and why does a company has to comply with US and EU sanctions and Export Control regulations. It will deal in particular with the legal basis of export control and with the ways the existent regulatory frame affects you and your organization. It will also discuss why you need to “Know Your Customer” and how to identify, understand and respond to Export Control related risks. Only a strong Export Control approach can beware the company from infringements connected with fines and negative publicity.

    Prezentarea se va concentra pe ce este Controlul Exporturilor si de ce o companie trebuie sa se conformeze legislatiei din Statele Unite si din Uniunea Europeana cu privire la sanctiuni si controlul exporturilor. Va trata in mod particular baza legala a controlului exporturilor si felurile in care cadrul de reglementari existent va afecteaza pe dumneavoastra si pe compania dumneavoastra. De asemenea, va discuta de ce este nevoie “sa va cunoasteti clientul” (Know Your Customer) si cum sa identificati, sa intelegeti si sa raspundeti la riscurile legate de Controlul Exporturilor. Doar o abordare stricta a Controlului Exporturilor poate feri compania de actiuni care presupun amenzi si publicitate negativa.

    Carmen Iuliana Dumitru (Siemens)

    Carmen Iuliana Dumitru is currently active in the field of international trade operations and export control compliance legal requirements within a private company with transnational operations. She has also an international working experience and she has dedicated the last 10 years to the export control compliance program and organization, to assure the compliance of business with EU dual-use, US Export Administration Regulations and local export control laws, including various sanctions programs and a number of other compliance areas.


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